
The Regional Risk Director’s Course is a training program meticulously crafted to provide an extensive understanding of security and risk management needs for multinational businesses and organizations. Originally developed as an internal managerial development program, it has evolved into a pivotal resource in the risk management sector. APAC Assistance now offers this training publicly, conducted offline over three days, delving into critical aspects of risk management processes, complexities, and nuances specific to the Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa regions.

Covering physical, geopolitical, economic, environmental, community, and social security risks affecting multinational corporations, this training integrates technical aspects of risk management with organizational and behavioral considerations specific to the private sector.

Our training aims to elevate participants’ knowledge and skills, providing access to tools, examples, and assistance for enhanced effectiveness as risk professionals. Additionally, it seeks to raise industry standards, improving service quality and understanding of operational risk’s significance. For your business, this training endeavors to enhance the industry’s capabilities and reputation.

Designed for experienced professionals operating at tactical and operational levels, this training aims to upskill and advance their careers toward more demanding security roles at country and regional levels. It’s also beneficial for senior professionals transitioning from armed services, police forces, or intelligence agencies to broader security and risk management roles.

Modules include the risk management process, methods, evacuation planning, civil organizations, effective communications, the commercial world, leadership, military appreciation, principles of war, external service provider support, and understanding the market. Final assessment includes a quiz across all modules and a written assignment or group presentation directed by the instructor.

Join us to expand your skills, presence, and influence for personal and professional success through this training. Graduates of the APAC Assistance Regional Risk Directors Course are well-positioned to receive recommendations to companies seeking proficient risk managers through APAC Assistance.